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Nuna Baby Essentials Data Breach: Cybersecurity Investigation

April M Strauss

Updated: Apr 7, 2022

Nuna Baby Essentials reported a potential information security incident after finding malicious code on its website present between March 26, 2020 and April 7, 2021.

Notice Date: January 21, 2022

Information Potentially Compromised:

Credit or debit card numbers

• Expiration date

• CCV/CVV code

• Billing address

• Shipping address

Credit Monitoring Offered? Yes, Nuna is offering one year of free membership in Experian’s


Enrollment Deadline Listed in Notice – April 30, 2022

To view the Nuna Data Breach Notice click here.

California Laws That Protect Data Breach Victims

California residents who received a Nuna Baby Essentials Data Breach Notice may be entitled to between $100 and $750 or their actual damages, whichever is greater. ¹

The California Customer Records Act (CCRA) requires businesses to put into place and maintain reasonable security procedures and practices that protect a consumer’s personal information. More comprehensively, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) contains many protections for the personal information of California residents.

For example, if credit card numbers, names and other types of personal information are disclosed, stolen, or hacked because a business didn’t fulfill its obligation to create and keep reasonable security, affected California residents can sue to protect their rights under the CCPA and CCRA.

Participants in data breach lawsuits can recover damages, injunctive relief (to make sure that the business has reasonable security practices to protect consumer data from being leaked again) and anything else a court concludes is necessary to compensate data breach victims and prevent these harms from occurring again.

A team of experienced attorneys is currently investigating whether Nuna Baby Essentials

violated its obligation to maintain reasonable security procedures and practices to protect its customers’ personal information. To contact someone on our team, click here.


I hear about data breaches all the time, is there any point in trying to do something about it?

Yes. Seemingly innocuous personal information, like your zip code, gender and hobbies, can be combined with other data compiled by data brokers or other public information to identify you. A mere 3 credit card purchases (showing the date, location & price) have been shown to be enough to reveal all of a consumer’s purchases from a data set of 1.1 million people with over 90% accuracy.² Compromised data also increases the risk of hacking, phishing, and increased anxiety over future losses and identity theft.

How do I know if my identity has been stolen?

What steps can I take to safeguard my data from cyber-thieves?

What Is The Difference Between A “Credit Freeze” and A “Fraud Alert”?

If my credit/debit card number was stolen, do I need to get a new card?

What do I do if I think I am the victim of identity theft?

We Can Help You Exercise Your Rights

Every case is unique. Even when your data has been part of a breach, you may not necessarily be awarded compensation. Experienced data breach class action attorneys can help you exercise your rights and evaluate your options and decide whether you are entitled to compensation under the CCPA. There are no out of pocket costs to you, as we only get paid if we prevail.

For more information on your legal options, please contact us using the form found here

Links on this website are not intended to be referrals to or endorsements of the linked entities or imply any relationship to the linked site or its operator.

¹ California Civil Code § 1798.150 ² Source: De Montjoye, Yves-Alexandre, et al. "Unique in the shopping mall: On the reidentifiability of credit card metadata." Science 347.6221 (2015): 536-539. ³ Nuna Baby Data Breach Notice


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